Eurasian Kids Society
Robotics engineer
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A robotics engineer is a specialist who builds and maintains robots. Such a professional should have an extensive and deep knowledge of mechanics, electronics and programming. Nowadays, more and more robots and automata appear in various spheres, whose task is to make our daily life as easy as possible or to do what is too dangerous or too difficult for a person.

It's Interesting!
The ancient Greeks in the 6th – 4th centuries BC invented most of the sciences, including robotics! For example, designer Archyt designed a wooden pigeon that was launched into the air using a steam catapult - and could stay in the air for about a minute and cover a distance of up to 200 meters! In the Middle Ages in the Byzantine Empire, robotic mechanisms adorned the imperial palace in Constantinople. When foreign ambassadors entered the imperial hall, the ruler's throne rose high up, and mechanical animals - lions, birds, mythical monsters - began to roar, rise on their paws and flap their wings. All this was done in order to impress the guests and make them more accommodating.
What skills do you need:
What knowledge do you need:
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