Eurasian Kids Society
Our brain is a universe within a universe

A neurobiologist is a specialist who studies the human nervous system and brain from different angles, using various scientific knowledge - genetics, biochemistry, physics, physiology, mathematics and computer science. Such a professional researches human behavior, helps him cope with diseases and mental disorders. And at the same time, he can engage in basic science, conduct experiments, discover new laws of the brain, or even take part in the development of artificial intelligence.

It's Interesting!
You know perfectly well that there are no people absolutely alike - just as all brain cells are not alike: there are about 10,000 specific types of neurons in our head! Different types of these cells are responsible for a wide variety of functions. There are even neurons that are responsible for transmitting information between different types of neurons! New brain connections are created every time a person remembers something or intensely thinks about something. Our brains change every second as trillions of signals pass through it, forming an infinitely flexible and complex network that allows us to act, feel and think. That is why our possibilities are endless at any age!
What skills do you need:
What knowledge do you need:
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