Eurasian Kids Society
Environmental restoration specialist
You can save the planet!

An environmental restoration specialist is an ecologist who revives wildlife in areas where it has been seriously damaged by the activities of technical and industrial facilities - large cities, factories, ports, landfills, mines, and so on. Such a professional analyzes the degree of pollution of various places, and also with the help of genetic material (cells) restores extinct plant and animal species.

It's Interesting!
One of the famous ecological disasters in Russia is the Aral Sea, which dried up in the late 1980s due to the fact that water was taken from the rivers that flow into it for irrigation of fields. This lake was the fourth largest lake in the world, but in the end it split into two small bodies of water, and a desert formed in place of the water left. Because of this, the climate in this area has become drier, and winters more frosty. So human error has led to serious changes in the environment. And such a mistake cannot be fixed, so the best thing is to prevent it. You can do it!
What skills do you need:
What knowledge do you need:
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On this topic
Earth is to live!

On November 26, 2020, an online broadcast of the All-Russian Ecological Festival of Children and Youth will be held

Environmental literacy for millions!

Less than a week left before the All-Russian ecodictant

What are the goals of the Earth?

Find out all the most interesting about UN environmental projects and how you can help them!

17:00 7 October
ТЕЛЕМОСТ «Дети - будущее мира»

Послание женщинам-лидерам России и мира

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